Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tandem Education

The average high school student, whether private, public or home schooled, typically spends 6-8 hours each day juggling 6 different courses over 9 months. At the end of four arduous years, this teenager is one of 3.3 million students with little more than a high school diploma to show for countless hours of work. Imagine this same student taking 3 courses per quarter throughout 4 years of high school and earning 2 degrees; a high school diploma and an Associate of Arts degree! Believe it or not, it’s possible for the average high school student to earn both degrees thanks to my new educational approach, Tandem Education. 

Working with a local Christian college, I’ve developed a pathway for home school students to achieve dual degrees over four high school years. The path starts with a strong foundation in English and Algebra, then meanders slowly into college courses taking full advantage of Move on When Ready state funds.  Not sure you can home school high school? Don’t worry, the facilitator pathway takes the pressure off you while someone else supervises the high school years. 

I’ll be sharing my Tandem Education approach with families at information exchange sessions in Forsyth county. Families with middle and high school students are welcome to attend: 

Tuesday, March 22 at the Post Road Public Library, 6:30 pm 
Thursday, March 31 at the Hampton Park Public Library, 6:30 pm 

There’s no cost to attend the sessions, however, I would like to know you’ll be joining us so I can have your handouts ready. Please RSVP using this link: http://goo.gl/forms/Z6Zvtgkd7p

PS Mark your calendar—the 5th annual Dual Enrollment Expo will be March 29th in Cumming. This is your chance to connect with colleges who are recruiting home school students. Registration and details coming soon!