Friday, July 10, 2015

Exciting Dual Enrollment Changes!!

With the passing of Senate Bill 132, dual enrollment is now even more affordable and accessible for home school students!  Beginning in the fall of 2015, state funds will be available under the Move on When Ready (MOWR) program for home school students seeking dual enrollment.  Below are the most significant changes that affect home school students:
1.  9th-12th grade home schooled students are eligible for dual enrollment through the MOWR program.

2.  MOWR funds will pay for tuition, books and institutional fees at private, public and technical colleges in Georgia.  In some cases, MOWR will also cover transportation expenses to and from the college or university. 

3.  MOWR funds will pay for core classes in English, Math, Science, Social Science and Foreign Language.

4.  MOWR funds will also pay for elective courses such as fine art, accounting, PE, engineering, business and computer science, just to name a few.  Course offerings at technical colleges are quite extensive including most trades and careers.  Checkout the full course directory on the Georgia Student Finance Commission website at:
5.  MOWR funds will cover courses taken during fall, spring and now summer semesters.  Funds will also cover mini-semesters during winter breaks.
6.  Funds received and hours earned DO NOT impact future HOPE eligibility in any way.
7.  Courses can be taken at two institutions at the same time.
8.  High school credit must be awarded pursuant to the regulations in this manner:
I.   One to two semester credit hours = .5 high school credit
ii.  Three to five semester credit hours = 1 high school credit
iii. One to three quarter credit hours = .5 high school credit
iv. Four to eight quarter credit hours = 1 high school credit

9.  A student who has received a diploma, GED or who has fulfilled all high school graduation or home study completion requirements is not eligible for MOWR funds. 

The procedure to apply for MOWR funds is very simple.
1.  Parent completes the Participant Agreement as a home study program.
2.  Student completes the college application and pays the application fee as set by the institution.
3.  Student completes the applicable MOWR application.
4.  Student registers for classes.
5.  Funds are sent directly to the college.

These changes are very exciting for the home school community!  More choices and more funding make dual enrollment even more attractive for home school students.  If you need help incorporating dual enrollment into your high school plan, just let me know.  I offer a two hour consultation after which you’ll have a complete high school plan tailored to the unique gifts and talents of your teen.  You’ll also have a professional transcript complete with your student’s high school work to date.  Even more importantly, you’ll walk away encouraged and strengthened to finish the high school years strong and confident!

I'm also offering my High School 101 workshop in Cumming on August 29.  We'll cover transcripts, accreditation, early college, scholarships and college admission.  You'll receive a binder with over 200+ forms and a DVD which includes course descriptions and transcript templates.  Click the sidebar for all the details!

Christine Torre